
Tantric Intimacy
The art of soul connection

Tantra Intensive Weekend Workshop for Singles and Couples

Open your heart and allow yourself to savor intimacy with all your senses – your YouMeUnity Weekend Intensive Seminar

For singles, couples and other constellations

Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25, 2025 (for exact times and more information, see below in the info box “What else is important”)

This is what Tantric Intimacy is all about – the art of soul connection

This weekend is entirely dedicated to intimacy – and all the wonders that happen when we allow ourselves to give it space. It is about trust, conscious intimacy, acceptance and the deep experience of touch. In a safe environment, you will experience that it is safe to show yourself authentically and allow deep emotional connection. We explore what true intimacy means and how we can consciously create it – with ourselves, with other people and with everything we encounter in life.

Intimacy begins where we really meet ourselves. When we can feel ourselves in depth, we are at home everywhere, simply because we accept our body as the beloved dwelling place of the soul and feel safe and secure in it, no matter where, no matter with whom.

“The deepest intimacy arises when two souls recognize each other – beyond words, roles and masks.” – Liora Ananda

Only when we are well connected with ourselves can we authentically meet others. On this weekend, we will explore what it means to rest in our own center and at the same time be open to another person. Self-love, conscious boundaries and honest communication play a central role in this.

  • The language of touch: how you can consciously shape and feel intimacy
  • Connecting boundaries: body, communication and clarity
  • Heart opening & trust: guided exercises for emotional opening and loving encounters
  • Enjoying your dark sides: Trusting to live intimacy with your inner demons
  • Mirror work: The other could be you, just in a different form.

The frequency of universal love can function like an x-ray: It is capable of penetrating the physical body and seeing beyond all human conditioning. Learn to zoom directly into the souls of others – and into our own for the highest good of all. By accepting our alleged weaknesses with a smile, we can also embrace others more easily.

We practise using our bodies consciously in order to experience ourselves as human beings with more clarity and self-confidence. Conscious, mindful, non-violent communication inspired by Buddhism, for example by Thich Nhat Hanh, plays a key role in this. The more lovingly and benevolently we express ourselves, even in difficult moments, the easier it is for us to feel connection even in challenging times and carry it within us as an anchor.

Another anchor is the focus on the good: our energy field, and therefore the encounters we attract, invite a completely different experience when we learn to invite our shadow parts to tea instead of trying to drive them away. These shadows were known as demons to the Tibetans. As a result of this integrative work, we stop putting obstacles in our own way – and our inner shadows become reliable, powerful allies.

In this module, we work intensively with mirrors, both real and energetic ones. We look at ourselves from an open-hearted, loving observer’s perspective in order to recognize and accept our true selves – free from social masks.

An important component of this seminar is the positive “I don’t care” attitude. What is really important to us in life and what is not? What types of “doesn’t matter” are there? A benevolent “Can’t be bothered!” helps us to redefine intimacy and integrity and bring them into harmony with the values of our soul.

Intimacy, security, safety - a basic prerequisite for any encounter in tantra

We explore the topic of intimacy and integrity on a physical, emotional and energetic level – individually and together as a group. And for this we invite exactly the amount of touch you need to feel yourself intensely!

Intimität - eine Asiatische Schönheit im Blickkontakt mit jungem Mann

Good to know

This seminar is part of our current Annual Training The Essence of Tantra that repeats every year. You will learn to:

  • strengthen your self-love and intuition
  • trust sensuality, wildness and lust in you more and give these feelings more space in your life
  • be authentically and truly you
  • use moments of solitude as catapults into the feeling of all-is-one
  • strengthen your empathy
  • live healthy egoism instead of bending yourself over backwards for others
  • set boundaries in a respectful way
  • use energy work for the highest good of all beings for yourself and others
  • live the art of slowness instead of being rushed by yourself and your to-do-lists
  • live more gratitude, happiness and love
  • trust the flow of life more
  • immerse yourself in the field of universal love and thus also to play with or create/allow states of enlightenment

Tantric Intimacy – the art of soul encounters is an intensive weekend tantra seminar for singles, couples and other creative constellations. Couples are of course welcome to take advantage of couple protection. Find out more here in our FAQ.

Love & Freedom Tantra by YouMeUnity is based on traditional Kashmiri and Tibetan teachings combined with modern sexual psychology.

Tantric Intimacy – the art of soul encounters is just as suitable for newcomers to tantra as it is for those who have been in the tantric field for some time. You will be pushed to your limits and have exactly the experience that will take you further – in a safe space that is well maintained.

Your weekend seminar with a focus on intimacy and loving communication includes

  • guided tantric massages
  • meditation
  • Energy & Sound Healing
  • numerous powerful exercises from Kashmiri and Tibetan Tantra
  • if required: systemic constellation
  • optional: Yin Yoga

Location: Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsraum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg
(depending on the size of the group also in another seminar house in the area)

Date and time: Friday, May 23, 2025 from 7:30 p.m. (arrival from 7:00 p.m.) to Sunday, May 25, 2025, 2:00 p.m.

Language: Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).

Please bring:

  • your own water bottle
  • Lunghi/Sarong (if available)
  • 10 € per person per day for snacks and shared breakfast
  • delicious contribution to share with the group (preferably vegan, so that everyone can participate – by the way, if you make the effort for preparing something great, homemade, e.g. salad or cake, you pay 10 EUR less for snacks etc.)
  • optionally an item important to you to be temporarily placed on our altar
  • for overnight stays (please register!) sleeping bag, sleeping mat, towels and 20 € contribution towards expenses per person per night

Seminar prices for this weekend workshop per person:

  • 350 € regular for a complete weekend seminar
  • 280 € reduced (for single parents, students, people on low incomes – nobody should be excluded just because of the money)
  • 420 € sponsorship prize

Overnight stay: Some space is available on request in our temple room. Please ask us in case you want to choose this option. Alternatively you can stay in one of the many hotels nearby.


Thomas Hochgesang is a tantra teacher and intimacy coach. He uses therapeutic as well as systemic approaches for his work and also involves the energetics as well as spirituality. His approach is intended to help strengthen your self-healing powers, freedom of choice as well as raise your energy level. For this, he uses profound meditation techniques as well as playful body rituals from the tantric tradition and modern psychological insights. By living in India for 5,5 years and undergoing Buddhist training, he was able to establish a mindset that enables him to emanate deep peace and tranquillity. His open heart helps him transmit this attitude to whomever he meets.

Joy S. is a musician, author and specialist in self-love. As an intuitive guide, she leads people to their innermost longings and shadow worlds. During spiritual events, Joy gives free rein to her vocation as a musical medium and plays with elfish, healing tones and frequencies, while she expresses her Kali side as the lead singer in rock bands – the whole tantric spectrum. Together with her husband Thomas, she provides a safe space for deep tantric experiences and supports participants in their self-healing process.

As YouMeUnity, we are offering to accompany you on your journey to yourself. We enjoy it so much to see people arrive at their innermost core. In doing so they are getting ready to embrace one or several relationships that can last and that are honest, deeper than ever before and 100 % heart-open. Such a secure bonding includes honest and appreciative communication, an open heart and a readiness in everyone involved to fully love themselves – and by doing so, learning to love everyone and everything on this beautiful planet, too. Self-confidence, courage, authenticity and embracing what is are also part of this – as well as accepting everything about yourself, even those character traits that you are not particularly proud of. And, of course everything that reminds you of your innate Buddha within yourself.

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch 🙂

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