
Core Connexion

A Magical Dance Experience

We dance the dance of freedom and tenderness, of love and wildness

Core Connexion is self-love and dance. Here we can embrace everything that we are: Our craziness, joy and pain, our differences, our similarities, our big hearts … Here we can feel completely into ourselves and our bodies, dance together and simply love each other, just as we are.

In Core Connexion, dance, expression and centering connect us with our aliveness, which vibrates at the core of all being. Through this connection we can find our own individual movement and use physical expression for inner growth and healing. Core Connexion was developed from Somatic Psychology, Anna Halprin’s “Dance and Life-Art-Process”, Aikido, 5 Rhythms and Buddhist dynamic meditations. Through dance, we can find ourselves, our center and our original sources of strength as resources for our lives. And all this with a huge amount of fun, joy and connection!

Give your body, your emotional system and your mind the joy of dance that makes life so worth living: movement – gentleness – dancing – calming down. Cozy or all to yourself, depending on what you feel like. We want to be able to feel ourselves and our fellow human beings dancing again to non-everyday music away from the norm.

Core Connexion invites you to accept yourself with all your body sensations and feelings and to express them with your body. This expression can take any form in your dance! With Core Connexion, you can dance joy and lightness as well as all the heaviness of being – to arrive back at lightness and joy in the end.

Look forward to a guided warm-up / mindful body exercises and then free, self-fulfilled dancing with plenty of room for improvisation, for the ethereal flow of the movements and the connection of the bodies …

Level 1: Beginners and advanced

Thomas Hochgesang is a certified Core Connexion Dance & Transformational Arts Facilitator and is lovingly supported by Joy S., Intuitive Guide, musician and author.

Important: We are currently not offering any regular Core Connection events. If you are interested in the Core Connexion Dance Experience, you have 4 options:

  1. Come to our next Sunday dance event,“Dance Your Prayer“. In our spiritual Sunday prayer, we combine elements from Core Connexion with free dancing.
  2. Let us know that you would like to take part in a Core Connection workshop. We will inform you if a suitable event takes place spontaneously and out of turn.
  3. Book us for your cultural event, your birthday party, your wedding and any other occasion where you want dancing to take center stage.
  4. Visit one of our retreats, a weekend workshop or a regular event from the category“Conscious Touch” or“Dance & Movement“. Dance also plays a major role at each of these events.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

With cheerful dance greetings

Joy & Thomas

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch. đŸ™‚

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