About Us
YouMeUnity – that’s Joy S. and Thomas Hochgesang

About Us
We love ourselves, our lives, each other – and we love what we do:
As YouMeUnity, we are offering to accompany you during your journey to yourself.
We enjoy it so much to see people arrive at their innermost core. In doing so they are getting ready to embrace one or several relationships that can last and that are honest, deeper than ever before and 100 % heart-open. Such a secure bonding includes honest and appreciative communication, an open heart and a readiness in everyone involved to fully love themselves – and by doing so, learning to love everyone and everything on this beautiful planet, too. Self-confidence, courage, authenticity and embracing what is are also part of this – as well as accepting everything about yourself, even those character traits that you are not particularly proud of. And, of course everything that reminds you of your innate Buddha within yourself.
We don’t just work together, but we are also happily married, living the divine relationship that we’ve always been yearning for. We take every day as an opportunity to learn more about ourselves: The other one will be our best teacher and mirror our own behaviour in a loving and sometimes challenging way. We wouldn’t want it any other way. 🙂
We are truly living the kind of partnership we have always longed for, but weren’t sure if something like this really existed. We can assure you: it is possible.
Such a relationship becomes possible when both people involved dare to show themselves pure, naked and 100% authentic – even when it’s frightening. The moment we truly and honestly say yes to ourselves, miracles happen and everything is easy. This mindset will allow us to be completely open to the other person.
(By the way: If you are interested in this deeply human and yet divine kind of partnership, come to our “Training for Love, Freedom and Deep Connection” – you can join in at any time).
"Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is." - Rumi
- Trained tantra teacher and intimacy coach
- powerful indigenous shaman in Western European camouflage clothing
- Power animals: eagle and buffalo
- passionate hobby guitar player
- Dance instructor (Core Connexion Dance Facilitator)
- 2nd home: India
- reincarnated fish - needs to be surrounded by water all year round
- loves surprise effects and spontaneity
- Former motorcycle racer
- Graduate political and development economist
- Masters the balance between reaching out to people and setting clear boundaries
- Heidelberg old hand (knows everyone in the area and everyone knows him)
- Father of three wonderful children
- grew up in a Buddhist home
- In the past did a voluntary and fulfilling (self-)study on Christianity
- enjoys being 'Mr. Trigger'
- loyal, generous and big-hearted
- influenced by his teachers and spiritual friends such as Pönlop Rinpoche, Margo Anand and Daniel Odier
- remains incredibly calm, composed, compassionate and loving even during the strongest energetic storms (most of the time 😉 )
- loves the power of silence and the ease of being in the now
- can tap into in all human emotions easily and with great joy, even those that are usually not so popular with people when they experience them themselves, such as anger, like here with her rock band
- Intuitive Guide: loves being a body medium with all her heart
- Mediator between worlds since the death of her best friend in 2016
- Hyper-empath with psychic abilities - loves to read and interpret energies
- Face-blind with pride
- enticing mixture of Kali, Áine, witch, butterfly soul, feline predator and human
- British soul, Italian nature and at home anywhere in the world
- although she is made up of almost 100% pure feeling, she has a very active mind that loves expressing itself (psycho-)analytically
- natural-born tantrist (something she only became aware of through Thomas)
- prefers heart-to-heart connection and therefore pays little attention to names, professions and awards.
- Yoga Nidra teacher (training with Sri Devatma Saraswati)
- Strong connection to Bastet and Sekhmet
- Mother of two wonderful children
- big heart not only for people, but also for animals and all other beings (vegetarian / vegan since age 3)
- With a degree in languages (translation - English, Italian, Spanish), she loves languages and foreign cultures
- Trained musician (piano and organ) who has currently turned her back on music theory to concentrate on her favourite instrument, her voice
- Communication expert on a verbal and non-verbal level
- former copy-editor for publishing houses (favourite project: the German bestseller "So Near The Horizon"), now on self-chosen leave
- marketing expert (studied and worked in Ireland) focusing on her self-created, heart-centred, feminine version of marketing
- specialist in hypnosis and trance journeys (training with Alexander Hartmann - System 23)
- author (current non-fiction book:"Feeling Loved (available in German only at the moment" - please get in touch if you are interested in helping find a publishing house in other countries), published various children's books and has some more in store in her virtual cupboard. A book on tantra and sexual magic with Thomas as co-author is planned)
What unites both of us: our love for freedom, people, tantra, music, spirituality and literature as well as our trust in ourselves, each other – and life.
And: Together we incorporate more than 100 years of life experience – in this life alone 😉
To find out more about our work methods and experience please read the bottom of the page“Individual sessions & coaching“.