About Us

YouMeUnity – that’s Joy S. and Thomas Hochgesang

Individual talks, chats, phone calls per year
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Retreats, seminars and tantra evenings per year
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People touched
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About Us

We love ourselves, our lives, each other – and we love what we do:

As YouMeUnity, we are offering to accompany you during your journey to yourself.

We enjoy it so much to see people arrive at their innermost core. In doing so they are getting ready to embrace one or several relationships that can last and that are honest, deeper than ever before and 100 % heart-open. Such a secure bonding includes honest and appreciative communication, an open heart and a readiness in everyone involved to fully love themselves – and by doing so, learning to love everyone and everything on this beautiful planet, too. Self-confidence, courage, authenticity and embracing what is are also part of this – as well as accepting everything about yourself, even those character traits that you are not particularly proud of. And, of course everything that reminds you of your innate Buddha within yourself.

We don’t just work together, but we are also happily married, living the divine relationship that we’ve always been yearning for. We take every day as an opportunity to learn more about ourselves: The other one will be our best teacher and mirror our own behaviour in a loving and sometimes challenging way. We wouldn’t want it any other way. 🙂

We are truly living the kind of partnership we have always longed for, but weren’t sure if something like this really existed. We can assure you: it is possible.

About us - Joy S. and Thomas Hochgesang from YouMeUnity

Such a relationship becomes possible when both people involved dare to show themselves pure, naked and 100% authentic – even when it’s frightening. The moment we truly and honestly say yes to ourselves, miracles happen and everything is easy. This mindset will allow us to be completely open to the other person.

(By the way: If you are interested in this deeply human and yet divine kind of partnership, why not come to our annual tantra training, which is also about preparing yourself for such a relationship – you can join in at any time).

"Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is." - Rumi



Book ideas already manifested
Spirituality in everyday life
Conscious flow
Potential to tear down outdated conditioning

What unites both of us: our love for freedom, people, tantra, music, spirituality and literature as well as our trust in ourselves, each other – and life.

And: Together we incorporate more than 100 years of life experience – in this life alone 😉

To find out more about our work methods and experience please read the bottom of the page “Individual Sessions & Counselling“.


We are here for you!



Joy 0162/1866479
Thomas 0176/36238448

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