

The Magic of
Mindful Touch

To be touched in one’s heart, body and soul is one of the most original and direct forms of affection.

Our ConsciousTouch evenings are gentle, mindful and sensual spaces that are given a physical and spiritually effective dimension through beautiful energy and body exercises from Tibetan and Kashmiri tantra.

First and foremost, it’s about you: about your unequivocal, joyful ‘Yes!’ which is as loved and appreciated as your clear, conscious ‘No!’. Whether in great tenderness or unbridled wildness, you can consciously live and experience love and joy here.

In our ConsciousTouch evening workshops, the ancient yoga of tantric touch gets interwoven with present day body therapy approaches. Here you can strengthen your presence in the here and now and learn to accept yourself and others more in your physicality and to love yourself from the heart.

ConsciousTouch in the animal kingdom - one giraffe kisses another

To do this, we practice deeply-rooted tender and energetic touch options, both physically and energetically, i.e. with or without direct skin contact. The decision is yours alone.

Previous tantric experience is neither a condition nor a hindrance to participation.

Everything is guided respectfully and gives you all the freedom to open your heart and to experience and respect your needs and limits on your own responsibility. We are holding the space for you so that you allow yourself to fully open up to who you really are.

What ConsciousTouch has taught us

Joy S.

My biggest learning during ConsciousTouch was to trust my intuition more and more, even if what I was guided to do seemed weird to me. You see, sometimes, when I touch somebody or something, I follow nudges that I feel are not coming from me, but rather from someone or something that has chosen me to carry them out. This way, as a body medium, I can help whomever I touch trust themselves more and be led deeply into (self-)healing.

Let me give you an example: One time, whe I had barely started letting my body be used as a medium, I kept having the strong urge to kiss a man I had only just met on the hand. In the middle of a circle we were sitting in. I kept fighting the urge for a long time until I finally gave in. Even so much time later, I can still see the surprise and deep gratitude in the eyes of this man, who had felt seen and loved on a very deep level particularly through my most unusual gesture. The moments in which I can fully turn into universal love poured into a human body, that's when I love ConsciousTouch the most.

Thomas Hochgesang

When I touch, I recognize myself, and when I touch and am touched, I am complete. During ConsciousTouch I can experience that touching somebody gently and in a considerate manner is welcomed as an expression of devotion. And being male can be just as tender as it is powerful. This is true both when I hold space for the whole group as well as when I work with somebody directly. I know that I can trust love, even when the woman I love touches somebody else's skin, just as she, in turn, relies on my affection for her. With all love and freedom that unites both of us.

Two essential things accompany me during ConsciousTouch: Firstly the openness and the courage to stand up for whatever I wish for in a certain moment, even when I'm not sure whether my wish will be joyfully received or whether it will be testing somebody else's limits. And secondly my belief that everything always happens for the best of all beings. Both of these together create happiness.

Level 1: Beginners and Advanced

ConsciousTouch focuses on connecting through touch with others on all planes. Depending on the day and the people present, touch can be physical, energetic, heart-to-heart or just verbal. No matter what plane feels right for you – we touch each other gently, attentively and with a clear focus on mutual consent. Dress code: Feel free to stay dressed the whole time – or take off what you want to take off. You decide for yourself – and it can be different every time. After a session there is usually time that you are free to spend in our temple room with other participants, if you wish, so you can continue to exchange some more considerate, mindful, gentle touch.

Location: Erlebis- und Erfahrungsraum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg

Bring along: Water bottle (you can refill it at any time with our Heidelberg spring water), optional: Lunghi/Sarong

Your contribution: regular ticket 43 € per session, reduced ticket 25 €, sponsor ticket 55 €. We find solutions for real financial emergencies, because nobody should be excluded just because of money! And by the way: If it is your birthday, you can join for free.

We look forward to seeing you again: Book 7 ConsciousTouch appointments at once and join us the 8th time for free. You can also use this loyalty bonus the following year after your order.


Time: 19:30-22:30 (arrival from 19:15). Plus approx. 30-45 min optional temple time.

Our regular ConsciousTouch usually takes place several times a month, usually on Fridays in Heidelberg (see dates below). Please note: Different prices apply for the specials on the Celtic year. You can find them on this page with the information about the specials themselves.

Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).

We are delighted that you are letting yourself be touched by our energy.

Big hug

Joy & Thomas

All dates for ConsciousTouch for 2025

Fri, 3.1.25
Fri, 31.1.25 (Imbolc special)
Fri, 7.2.25
Thu, 20.3.25 (Ostara special)
Fri, 18.4.25
Wed, 30.4.25 (Beltane special)

Fri, 9.5.25
Fri, 6.6.25
Fri, 20.6.25
Fri, 25.7.25

Fri, 1.8.25 (Lughnasadh special)
Fri, 5.9.25
Mon, 22.9.25 (Mabon special)
Fri, 26.9.25
Fri, 10.10.25

Fri, 31.10.25 (Samhain Special)
Fri, 7.11.25
Fri, 5.12.25
Fri, 19.12.25

in December 2024 - see link for more testimonials

Dear Joy,
Thank you so much!
I am very fulfilled by last night and can’t/don’t want to even put it into words.
Thank you.
For everything ❤️
Best regards, Chrystal
P.S. You have the most beautiful job in the world: people happiness maker 💫✨🌞

Any questions?

Just get in touch. 🙂

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