The dance of light and darkness
Dance with the reawakening light , experience the connection between Tantra and Celticism and manifest your dreams
At Ostara, we celebrate the spring equinox, the moment of the year when day and night are in perfect balance for just a brief moment. It is the time when the light begins to overcome the darkness and nature awakens in all its splendor.
Ostara symbolizes new beginnings, growth and the blossoming of everything that has been dormant within us during the dark winter months. It is the perfect moment to connect with your inner strength and sow the seeds of your dreams and desires. Let yourself be inspired by the blossoming nature and feel how life begins to pulsate within you again.
Since we are astrologically at the end of the Pisces period, we will focus intensively on the element of water. During the group experience, it is primarily the element of air that will play a role. And, of course, the fiery Aries energy should not be missing: springtime lethargy is decreasing and spring fever is increasing. It’s time to confidently show yourself and everything that entails, daring to do new things, symbolically springing out of the ground and taking your place in the world. Are you ready for the breakthrough? 🙂
What does Ostara traditionally stand for?
Ostara is named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre, who embodies the awakening of nature and the fertility of the land. This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of a new phase of growth. Did you know that customs such as the colouring of Easter eggs and the Easter bunny as a symbol of fertility and vitality have been around longer than Christianity? You can find out more about this during our seminar. One thing is certain: even in ancient cultures, spring festivals such as Ostara were a time of joy and gratitude for the returning abundance of nature.
The origin of the name Ostara is actually not entirely clear. There is only one source for the existence of the goddess Eostre: the monk Beda Venerabilis mentioned her in the 8th century in his work De Temporum Ratione and attributed her to Anglo-Saxon traditions. He wrote that April was called Eosturmonath in Old English, named after this goddess. However, there are no other historical sources that confirm this deity, which is why some researchers doubt this connection. Some suspect that Eostre was simply another name for the Germanic goddess Freya.
Other theories see linguistic roots in the old Germanic “austron”, which means “dawn”. This interpretation underlines the symbolic meaning of the increasing light in spring. Although today most Ostara celebrations take place around 21 March, traditionally it was celebrated on the night of the first full moon after the spring equinox. This connection to the lunar cycle emphasized the natural rhythms of life and aligned the balance of light and dark with the cosmic cycles.
At Ostara we combine ancient customs from Celtic and other cultures with tantric heritage
In addition to Eostre, there are numerous other deities from different cultures that fit in wonderfully with Ostara. Persephone, Bastet, Freya, Gaia and Flora, to name but a few. In our seminar, you will immerse yourself with us in some of the ancient stories and customs associated with these goddesses.
At our Ostara celebration, we dance with light and shadow, revive some ancient rituals and combine all of this with conscious touch. By energetically aligning yourself with the goddesses who represent spring, vitality and fertility, you can leave your spring lethargy behind and celebrate your own vitality. Tantric cleansing and gratitude rituals will help you to fully surrender to the power of transformation and manifest your dreams and visions for this year more easily. You will feel yourself blossoming on the inside and see this reflected on the outside.
Ostara at YouMeUnity for you
What we would like you to take home with you from our seminar:
- the confidence that it is okay to let go of the old and make room for the new
- Intentions and affirmations for the coming year so that your visions can take root and grow
- the reminder that nature wants to see more of you
- joy, ease and sensuality as permanent companions
- the right balance between light and darkess within and in the exterior world
- give yourself permission to recall the pleasant feeling of trance that you can experience in our tantric space again and again and thus to feel more peace within yourself
- lasting transformation through experiencing situations from a different perspective
- the self-empowerment to live the tantric principle of integration and acceptance
- the reminder that we are still connected to the old customs, ways of thinking and feeling, even if we may have forgotten this at times
- a breath of fresh air for your everyday life
- more empowerment and confidence for the adolescent version of your inner child
- meditations and tantric exercises for more clarity, love and presence in everyday life
- exciting entertainment for the mind: curiosities from the world of the Celts and pagans
- Tantric-Buddhist impulses that help you feel yourself even more and arrive even more in the here and now
- free, authentic exchange in an open-hearted group setting
- after the official end, optional time to connect and physically or energetically tune into the other participants
- the determination to express your visions in a creative form and the courage to make the previously hidden associated with your creativity visible
Our Ostara Special is an extraordinary version of our ConsciousTouch seminars. You can find out more about ConsciousTouch in general here.
All other YouMeUnity Specials can be found here.
Previous tantric experience is neither a condition nor a hindrance to participation.
Everything is guided respectfully and gives you all the freedom to open your heart and to experience and respect your needs and limits on your own responsibility. We are holding the space for you so that you allow yourself to fully open up to who you really are.
Level 1: Beginners and Advanced
After the end of our seminar, there will be about half an hour of optional temple time. You can spend it in mindful contact with other participants, experiment on the energetic level or, if you feel a strong need for verbal exchange, connect with each other or with us in the kitchen space.
Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).
Location: YouMeUnity Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsraum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg
Date: Thursday, 20.03.2025
Your contribution: regular € 53 per session, reduced € 31, sponsorship ticket € 72.
Please bring: Water bottle (you can refill it at any time with our Heidelberg Old Town spring water).
Time: 19:30-22:30 (arrival from 19:15). Plus 30-45 min optional sensing and connecting time after the seminar.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Joy & Thomas