Waves of Eternity
Connect with the power of the universe
Waves of Eternity: our invitation for you to play with energy
One of the most powerful ways of connecting with self and others is meeting each other in the energetics. In such a setting it is not uncommon to be catapulted into an old, shared life together – or to fall into timelessness for a moment. Regardless of how much the energetics already feel like home to you, “Waves of Eternity” gives you the opportunity to experiment with energy on all levels. You don’t even need to deepen a connection through physical touch, if you don’t feel like it. Either way, the connection with you and others will be strong and healing.
Tapping into one another’s frequency in the energetics is a wonderful way to experience the feeling of security and safety that comes automatically when you connect with energy of “all is one”. This sensation of trust and bliss can be felt like waves of eternity – hence the name – all over your body.
We use the power of slowness and gentleness to enhance this experience. At Waves of Eternity you can plant “starseeds“, which will open up in their own time. Both for yourself and for the people and beings deeply connected with you.
When hearts are in motion, simply allowed to connect freely with others, a feeling of harmony and balance is created that does not require words. Simply because the language of the soul also works intuitively and telepathically. This can be very exciting and totally relaxing at the same time. And it is so natural. We have just forgotten. It is time to remember our old knowledge. When we do, we realize that we have already arrived in the place we have been searching for. 😉
As you connect with yourself and others on a very deep, peaceful level, all you need to do is center yourself and trust your intuition. It can take a while to get used to its whisper, but the more you learn to listen, the more your intuition can guide you. This way, you don’t only gain access to your own inner wisdom and the powerful base of knowledge that is greater than all of us (some call it “Akasha”, others “the Knowing Field”), but you can also activate the magical plane.
When enchanted hearts meet, feel into each other and bow to each other with a loving namasté, they shine brighter, activate each other and help one another into a new level of the vortex of life. For a moment – and possibly much longer – you may experience the unity between yourself and others. Simply YouMeUnity. 🙂 🙂
We often get asked what all of this actually means and what exactly happens during such a session. Well, truth is: This is really hard to answer, since “Waves of Eternity” is like a bar of chocolates, as Forrest Gump would say. Even we don’t know exactly what’s coming because we let ourselves be guided. All we know: It’s different every time.
What might help you, however, is to know the topic beforehand. We decide this at relatively short notice and spontaneously and usually announce it on our Telegram channel.
Here are some of the topics that have been on the agenda at Waves of Eternity recently:
- Breaking through the same old thought loops. How can we do this?
- Building up energetic protection
- Dealing with recurring difficult emotions
- Connecting with your spirit animal
- Immersing yourself in timelessness
- Making contact with invisible beings
- Strengthening telepathic abilities
- Mind reading
As you can see, we offer a wide range of different experiences at Waves of Eternity. Just come along and allow yourself to be surprised.

Double Check
Waves of Eternity is right for you if ...
- you want to strengthen your empathy, clairsentience and all other clairsenses
- you would like to live and emanate your very own truth and clarity more strongly
- more gratitude, bliss and love would be welcome in your life
- you want to get stuck energy moving again with the help of energy work
- you would like to immerse yourself into timelessness more often
- you are happy to connect with other Earth Angels and Lightworkers
- depth and connection is what you are yearning for
- deconditioning of old patterns is one of your main concerns
- you long for more slowness in love and in life
- you feel attracted to energetic, "white" tantra
Why I love energy work

Joy S.
The death of my best friend Gareth in 2016 opened the door to the realms of magic for me. So for me, the greatest pain eventually turned into the greateast growth potential of my life. I have been gifted to experience so many truly incredible moments with other people, animals and also beings who are not currently incarnated on this earth. I could write books about all of this. 😉
When I consciously open my heart completely, I can gain energetic access to spheres that normally only open up to us with the help of substances. Although these can serve as initiators and give us a taste of the energetics, it is important for me to pass on what I have learned for myself: There is NOTHING you need. Nothing at all. You already have all the knowledge, all the experiences, all the tools, everything that is important to you right now, and you can access it any time when you free yourself energetically, let go and simply trust. I would like to invite you on this journey with us.
As a "hyper-empath", I have also learned through working with energetics that empathy doesn't have to be overwhelming, even when it gets stronger and stronger and I can feel more and MORE and even MORE. Empathy is my pathway, my messenger, my guiding star in this other world and also here on earth.

Thomas Karma Dorje
For me, energy work, as I perceive it during mediation, is the connection of the mundane with that which is greater than us. Full stop.
Level 1: Beginners and Advanced
Good to know: At Waves of Eternity, we let intuition and the Knowing Field take the lead, supported by the wisdom of ancient India, Tibet and Egypt.
Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).
Dress code: As we want to focus on energy work in a relaxed way during Waves of Eternity, a spin off of our Conscious Touch event series, we ask you to wear light, comfortable clothing.
Location: Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsraum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg
Please bring: Your own water bottle (you can refill it at any time with our Heidelberg spring water)
Your contribution:
- regular 43 € per session
- reduced ( on request) 25 €
- Sponsor ticket 53 €
We find solutions for real financial emergencies, because nobody should be excluded just because of money! And by the way: If it is your birthday, you can join for free.
We look forward to seeing you again: Book 6 x Waves of Eternity at once and join us the 7th time for free. You can also use this loyalty bonus the following year after your order.
Time: 19:30-22:30 (arrival from 19:15)
Waves of Eternity usually takes place every 2 months on Tuesdays in Heidelberg (see dates below).
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Big hug
Joy & Thomas
All dates for Waves of Eternity in 2025
Tue, 28.1.25
Tue, 11.3.25
Tue, 20.5.25
Tue, 24.6.25
Tue, 16.9.25
Tue, 9.12.25