
Core Connexion

A Magical Dance Experience

Together we are dancing the dance of freedom and tenderness, of love and wildness

Core Connexion is self-love and dance combined. In Core Connexion Dance we can embrace everything that we are: Our craziness, joy and pain, our differences, our similarities, our big hearts … In Core Connexion we can connect fully with ourselves and our bodies, dance with each other and emanate love: mirroring each other that we are good enough just the way we are.

In Core Connexion, dance, freedom of expression and focusing on feeling alive all come together and help us tap fully into the present moment. When we feel so connected to ourselves and everything that is we allow ourselves to grow and heal on a very deep level. Core Connexion was developed from Somatic Psychology, Anna Halprin’s “Dance and Life-Art-Process”, Aikido, 5 Rhythms and dynamic Buddhist meditations. Dancing helps us find ourselves, connect with our innermost core and lead us back into feeling this incredible amount of strength that we all carry within us. And as an extra, we tap into the frequencies of fun and joy and just feel connected.

Allow yourself to enjoy dance as a source of life. In Core Connexion, we will be going through 4 different phases: movement – tenderness – dancing wild and free – relaxing. You can enjoy the last phase by yourself or cuddling with others, depending on what feels right for you in the moment. We will be using music that you won’t hear on the radio regularly. This will allow you to let go more easily.

In Core Connexion we invite you to accept yourself with everything that you may be feeling – and to use your body to freely express all of it. This expression can take any form in your dance! Core Connexion allows you to express joy and ease as well as all the weight of being human – and then to move back into joy and ease eventually.

You can expect a guided warm-up, mindful body exercises and free dance including plenty of room for improvisation, feeling the flow of life through movement and connecting with others in dance …

Level 1: Beginners and Advanced

Thomas Hochgesang is a certified Core Connexion Dance & Transformational Arts Facilitator and is lovingly supported by Joy S., intuitive guide, musician and author.

Important: We are currently not offering any regular Core Connextion events. If you are interested in the Core Connexion Dance Experience, you have 4 options:

  1. Come to our next Sunday dance event, “Dance Your Prayer“. During our spiritual Sunday prayer, we combine elements from Core Connexion with free dancing.
  2. Let us know that you would like to participate in a Core Connexion workshop. We will inform you when a suitable event is set up spontaneously.
  3. Book us for your cultural event, your birthday party, your wedding or any other occasion where you want dancing to play the lead.
  4. Visit one of our retreats, a weekend workshop or a regular event from the “Conscious Touch series” or“Dance & Movement“. Dance plays a major role in all of these events.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

With cheerful dance greetings

Joy & Thomas

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch. 🙂

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