
Transformative retreats in Heidelberg and elsewhere

We love the sessions, seminars and retreats in our experience space in Heidelberg. And we also love to travel to other seminar houses and spiritual festivals and are delighted by all the wonderful opportunities to work in beautiful places of power around the world. Here is an insight from a recent multi-day event where Thomas brought horses and tantra together.

Our retreats are always special, whether we invite the wisdom of animals or focus on something else that is special and goes well with tantra.

You can meet us every year at our traditional retreats:

Please find below a summary of what these retreats are about. Further multi-day events are being planned and will also be published here.

Retreats 2025/2026

Easter Retreat 2025

Discover the creative power of silence during our multi-day Easter event. The word level often gets in our way. During our days together, we will experiment with how well we can communicate without spoken language. Our other focal points: Tantra, dance, energy work, meditation and yoga. With loads of community feeling and sensual Easter surprises.

Pentecost Retreat 2025

Sacred Spirit – Earthly Desires. Our tantric Pentecost experience for curious beginners and advanced tantric practicioners. Our focus: sensual tantra rituals that help you strengthen the spiritual connection to the divine. Also included: dance, meditation, yin yoga and energy work.

New Year's Eve Retreat 25/26

Tantra, dancing, feeling joy, exploring spirituality and sensuality. Taking time for deep talks and connecting with yourself and others. Inviting love and open-heartedness. With exciting rituals, deep meditations, a New Year’s Eve buffet, yoga and lots of loving, deep community moments with people you might have just met at the turn of the year.

Feedback welcome!

Do you have a question about one of our current retreats, are you planning a festival or would you like to book us for an event at your location? Please get in touch and let us know what you’re up to. We’re happy to join.

We look forward to your message. 🙂

Joy & Thomas

A slightly different retreat report: YouMeUnity in a podcast

Tantra as a meeting space and empowerment playground for women and men

Jana Pfeffer, author, illustrator and systemic coach, talks about her participation in a retreat with us (in German language). The interview with Joy for the podcast Herzensspielplatz (“Heart Playground) is about tantra, love, freedom, (sexual) energies, relationships, femininity, prejudices, fears, courage and the beauty of being human.

Herzensspielplatz - the podcast by resilience coach Jana Pfeffer about tantra, femininity, fears and prejudices

If you’re in the mood for joyful energies and would like to tune into us and the work we do, feel free to listen in. Click here for the episode. Have fun with it!

You can find more testimonials, press reviews and experience reports about encounters with us at our events and beyond here.

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