
Systemic Constellations

Heart of the Knowing Field

Heart-Centered Systemic Constellations and Family Constellations

“Heart of the Knowing Field” lets you experience the effectiveness of systemic constellations and helps you change your life for the better thanks to heart-opening soul work. These powerful changes are made possible by combining two catalysts for personal growth: professional constellation work and the magic of gentle tantra practice.

Participate as a representative or as a seeker wanting to set up a specific personal issue.

Systemic Constellations are effective

Constellations can help you find clarity on certain issues that you want to have resolved. These issues do not necessarily have to be connected with a family pattern or partnership dynamics, as in the work done by Bert Hellinger or in classic family constellations. You might also want to get clear about which steps to take next in your career, experience what enlightenment feels like or tune into anything else that deeply affects or concerns you and wants to be healed.

Systemic Constellations and Tantra

People that have barely gotten to know each other in a group setting can connect with each other in various ways. And there are many ways of activating the Knowing Field.

We prefer to use the tantric path, i.e. we help you arrive at your innermost core through meditation, awareness exercises and practices taken from Kashmiri and Tibetan tantra. All of these will help you perceive others with a loving, open heart. Together, we tap into the frequency and perception that all is one. When we are in this space, the Knowing Field opens up, becomes alive and lets you feel the magic of holistic tantric constellation work.

Systemic constellations - heart of the knowing field - as a symbol of unity, teamwork, community spirit and togetherness

Heart of the Knowing Field – Systemic Constellations at YouMeUnity – minimalistic and loving

What makes systemic constellations so interesting and helpful is that you can gain effective insight into soul processes and dynamics that have been previously hidden. With minimal effort, you can make them visible and allow yourself to heal. By connecting in a loving way with our own essence and that of the other participants, you know exactly which moves to make as an individual human being, but also feel what is needed for the whole group. Together, we act like one single system that is thoroughly connected through the frequency of love. For the time being, our hearts merge with those of the others as we open ourselves to the Knowing Field and become one with it.

The fascinating thing about constellations is that you don’t even have to make direct contact with the people with whom you are energetically entangled, but rather you can do reconciliation work with the help of other human beings. This way, you can uncover and resolve old traumas. The processes set in motion continue to have an effect after the constellations: As if by magic, so much becomes easier than it was before, tension you have been holding on to can be released and relationships at eye level become possible again.

Systemic Constellations in the media: Netflix series "Another Self"

Sonnenblume als Checkliste für YouMeUnity-Retreats
Double Check

Systemic Constellations are right for you if one or more of the following applies:

All dates for systemic constellations for 2025

Sat, 11.1.25
Sat, 22.3.25
Sat, 2.8.25

Sat, 11.10.25
Sat, 6.12.25

Level 1: suitable for beginners

Location: YouMeUnity Heidelberg, Psychologische Beratung, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany (depending on the size of the group the event might take place in another seminar house nearby)

Please bring: Your own water bottle (you can refill it at any time with our Heidelberg spring water), lunch (alternatively, you can buy something tasty for yourself in one of the numerous restaurants during the lunch break)

Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).

Your contribution to “Heart of the Knowing Field – Systemic Constellations with YouMeUnity”

  • as a seeker / client setting up a constellation (limited availabilty): 150 EUR
  • as a representative: 55 EUR

Reduced prices on request. We find solutions for real financial emergencies, because no one should be excluded just because of money!

We look forward to seeing you again: Book 5 constellation appointments at once as a participating observer and join us the 6th time for free. You can also use this loyalty bonus the following year after your order.


Time: 10 a.m – 5 p.m. (Arrival from 9:45 a.m.)

We are looking forward to seeing you, whether as a client / seeker with an issue that concerns you and needs urgent attention or as a representative.

Joy S., Thomas Hochgesang & Team

Testimonial about our systemic constellations (see link below for more testimonials)

Hello, dear Joy and dear Thomas,

Thank you so much, your constellation was so intensive and so loving. The first success came today already!!! I have connected incredibly deeply with my mother: When I met her, the topic of the constellation came up pretty fast. Normally she would talk about the weather and then run away again, but this time she stayed put.

Since I knew from the constellation what frightens her and where her blockages lay, I was able to steer the conversation in a completely different way, and then we had the deepest and most productive conversation in ages! I can't remember the last time I had a talk like that with her.

For the first time, I was able to tell her honestly that I had the feeling she didn't even know me. Instead of spending all of her energy arguing against me, she surprised me by expressing a desire to get to know me from another angle.

I was also able to openly admit that what she would like my life to be fits for her and for many others too, but not for me. She understood that and was really able to leave it at that without talking back!

I also suddenly found myself with the wish to get to know her from an open heart and without my usual defensive armour. So I asked her directly what her problem was and what her fears were in relation to me. Then she revealed to me 1:1 the conditioning that had also shown up crystal clear during the constellation.

Because I already knew all of this, since it was a perfect mirror of what had been shown in the constellation, after a while the whole thing was able to resolve itself very gently and organically and again I had the feeling that she understood and just accepted it. For the first time, she simply accepted exactly what I had said. What a blessing! 😊 Since this deep conversation, our relationship has really become a lot easier.

Yesterday I was really struck by waves of inspiration. One of them was that I might not have to choose at all. I can just take 2 options. They always say "Dream Big", so I'm going to do that now. I'm manifesting a job where I earn well and can be close to my son, my friends and my family and that allows me to go to Mexico for 1-2 months a year and lets me implement my heart's wishes projects.

Since I had this idea, every time I think about it, I feel a real sense of joy and lightness. And I really want to manifest that!

And something else really weird happened: I had wished that I would finally attract my divine life partner - and now my Indian ex-boyfriend has contacted me again. Believe me: this topic has been so far away, but today he seriously said that he would like to come to Germany to see me ...

I'm very excited to see where this will take us and I'm already totally blown away by everything that Ganesha, God, the universe and you, with the help of the constellation, the spiritual world, the ancestors and whoever else is or was involved, have cleared the way for and set things in motion. So many gifts - that's better than Christmas, Easter and birthday put together.

I am so grateful to you and could almost start crying again when I think about it.

Who we are

Thomas Wolfgang Hochgesang is a founding member of YouMeUnity Heidelberg, Germany and the Love and Freedom Foundation, New Delhi, India. He supports people as a seminar facilitator and intimacy coach / psychological consultant. Thomas has completed training in Tibetan Meditation, Tantra, Psychotherapy and Dance & Expressive Arts. He has a good sense for the underlying needs of the subconscious and likes merging intuitive knowledge with a powerful rational, science-based approach.

Joy S., also co-founder of YouMeUnity, is an author, singer and specialist in self-love. As an intuitive guide she is at home in the energetics of the Knowing Field and guides people to find the courage to discover their innermost longings and face their shadows. She prefers heart-to-heart connection and will accompany you with determination and love on your journey to yourself, successful relationships and feeling whole and complete.

As YouMeUnity, we enjoy it so much to help people free themselves from old entanglements, connect with the power that lies deeply within themselves and thus open up to deep, heart-touching, sustainable, honest relationships.

Sandra Kreß, a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist, supervises our work in a loving and professional way. She is our contact person for depth psychologically challenging questions and is happy to act as a walking psychology encyclopedia during our systemic constellation days. More about Sandra Kreß at

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch 🙂

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