
Yule Special on winter solstice day

3 in 1: Gentle Yin Yoga with tantric elements meets Celtic heritage

Our Yule yoga special for the winter solstice

We meet on December, 21st, Yule, the shortest day of the year, one of the most sacred sun celebrations of the Celts, and surrender to our innermost being on a very deep level with the help of Yin Yoga. Let’s combine gentle, relaxing asanas with decelerating tantric elements and after that take the time to immerse ourselves in the energies of the Celtic winter sun festival.

What we would like you to take home with you:

  • Relaxation and slowing down in the often hectic pre-Christmas period
  • Yin Yoga to strengthen your trust in yourself and everything that surrounds you
  • Brain-tainment keeping your mind busy: interesting customs and anecdotes from the world of the Celts
  • Tantric-Buddhist impulses that help you feel yourself even more and arrive even more in the here and now
  • free, authentic exchange in an open-hearted group setting
  • after the official end, optional time to connect and physically or energetically tune into the other participants

In the Celtic tradition, Yule symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the beginning of a new cycle. It is a time when we can connect with the quality of hope and celebrate our own renewal, a kind of spiritual rebirth. Gratitude for the past year will also play a major role in this seminar and will be strengthened with the help of tantric exercises. When we are intimate friends with gratitude all year through, many things become easier. Life flows and we invite growth into our lives, just like the Yul festival symbolically prepares people for the coming days of growth. At this seminar, we will also shed light on ancient pagan customs – and perhaps create space to revive one or two of them.

In Yin Yoga, we connect with nature, surrender to the earth and gravity, let go, allow things to happen and take on the role of a neutral, loving observer. By intensely feeling ourselves, we may even be able to sink into timelessness for a moment.

We combine the relaxing yin yoga asanas with deep, yet easy exercises and impulses from Buddhist tantra.

You can find an overview of other YouMeUnity specials with a yoga or other focus here.

The Yule Special on winter solstice day: Combine yoga and tantra to meet yourself on a deeper level

After the active Yin Yoga part, we will dive a little bit deeper into tantra by combining elements from Celtic culture with tantric energy in a heart-body meditation. Together and individually, we will be playing with the connection between the self, the you and that which transcends both and connects all of us.

This special is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced yogis / tantrists. During our Yule Special, we practise treating ourselves and others with kindness, love, understanding and mindfulness.

Level 1: Beginners and Advanced

Dress code: Please wear comfortable yoga clothes in which you can move easily and freely.

Good to know: Depending on whether you need time for yourself or would like to connect with others, you can enjoy the tantric part on your own or in a group context.

Our seminars are usually held in German. As soon as someone from another country is present who does not understand German, we switch to bilingual (German and English).

If you would like to familiarize yourself with Yin Yoga before the Yule Special or afterwards, we recommend the Yin Yoga book by Kassandra Reinhardt.

Location: Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsraum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg

Bring: Water bottle (you can refill it at any time with our Heidelberg spring water), optional: yoga mat

Your contribution to the Yule Yoga Special:

  • 43 €
  • Reduced ( on request – nobody should be excluded just for the money) 25 €
  • Sponsor ticket 53 €


Date: Sunday, December 21, 2025

Time: 7:30 p.m. – approx. 10:30 p.m. (arrival from 7:15 p.m., we will be closing the doors at 7:30 p.m.).

We are looking forward to seeing you.


Joy & Thomas

Any questions?

Just get in touch. 🙂

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