
The Art of Lovemaking

Annual Tanta Training for Couples and Tantra Weekend Seminars for Couples

Annual Tantra Training for Couples and Weekend Seminars for Couples: The Art of Lovemaking

Suited for classic couples as well as friends practicing together as a couple

THE ART OF LOVEMAKING by YouMeUnity / Love & Freedom Tantra helps you and your partner experience and enjoy a new, deep and intense way of connecting with each other.

During 5 weekend seminars this year, we will be practicing Tantra with the intention of strengthening your relationship as a couple and taking it to another level. Some of our highlights: guided yoni massage, lingam massage and breast massage, slow sex and energy work – with exercises from Kashmiri and Tibetan tantra as well as from the Tao.

This training is suitable for beginners as well as for people who have been in the tantric field for a longer period of time. Our annual training can help you bring more fire and depth into an existing relationship or be a means of energetically aligning a new relationship differently from any other relationship you’ve had before.

Annual Tantra Training for Couples - The Art of Lovemaking - for more emotional and sexual depth in your partnership

Important: You can join our annual couple training with a loved one at any time – and simply make up for missed dates in the following year.

Alternatively to registering for the whole annual training, you can also book each of the modules individually if a complete annual training course is too much for you at the moment or if you would like to get a taste of the training before you decide to book the complete course.

What is the training about?

The highest art of sexual union is when a couple enters the state of timelessness together and for a moment merges with all that is. You lose yourself in order to meet yourself and the other one on another plane. If we merge fully with each other, ecstasy as a basic feeling remains a constant part of our lives.

The content of the Annual Tantra Training for Couples in brief

Tantra Weekend Seminar for Couples Part 1

  • More fun and intimacy in bed
  • Boundaries that can connect, not separate – learn about communication and clarity
  • Self-efficacy and sex

Would you like to enjoy a more ecstatic love life as a couple and get even closer to each other emotionally? Clear communication is not only a prerequisite for good sex, but also for more joy, ease and stability in life and in your relationship. We explore how truthfulness and authenticity influence our (couples) lives, practice self-reliance and boundaries, which, when set lovingly, will not separate but connect you more strongly with yourself and others.

Learn more …

Tantra Weekend Seminar for Couples Part 2

  • Healing your feminine parts
  • The opening of the lotus flower
  • Empathy, egoism and ecstasy

We tap into the power of femininity and practice devotion as well as letting go. When we, men and women alike, heal our feminine parts and recognize and appreciate the strengths behind supposedly weak attributes, our empathy will increase and lead us deeper into self-love. This in turn enables us to live a more intensive, loving partnership.

You will appreciate and worship the entire female body to slowly and gently make it ready for love. In this module, you will learn how to give a woman a sensual yoni massage for a whole hour or longer.

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Tantra Weekend Seminar for Couples Part 3

  • Masculine strength and tenderness
  • Healing your masculine parts
  • The balance: the inner man and the inner woman

We practise freeing ourselves from constraints and old conditioning and welcome the healed masculine in ourselves and our partner. At the same time, we lovingly accept everything about our own inner man and our own inner woman and thus facilitate healing. We allow them to connect with each other in a powerful way and to play and dance with each other. This inner balance between your sexual, emotional and spiritual aspects leads to more equilibrium, both in your relationship and in life as a whole.

In this module you will learn the tantric lingam massage. Devotion and specific massage techniques are the prerequisites for catapulting a man into the highest heights of being.

Women can look forward to a guided breast massage. Plus we have already prepared a beautiful, special tantra ritual for couples. Let yourself be surprised and enchanted.

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Tantra Weekend Seminar for Couples Part 4

  • Love and freedom for yourself and your partner
  • Physical, mental and emotional presence
  • Energy balance in the relationship

What does loyalty really mean? Can I be faithful with my partner when I devote myself to somebody else? What about the emotional side of it? When I focus my energy on someone else in a loving way, will that be the beginning of the end of my relationship? What does love and freedom really mean – and how can I cope when demons from the past are dug up from deep within me with regards to my partner? Is jealousy a relationship killer – or perhaps even the key to more depth than ever before?

Playful tantric body exercises will help you explore the topic of needs, attraction, loyalty and belonging. We will all explore our own inner critics and embrace them lovingly. How much freedom, how much intimacy do I, does my partner need? What does this mean for our relationship and how do we want to live this as a couple?

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Tantra Weekend Seminar for Couples Part 5

  • the joy of experimenting
  • Slow Sex, sacred, gentle, silent union
  • Shared ecstasy

Whatever you both enjoy is allowed and welcomed. Exploring the topic of trust and learning to experiment sexually together will help you sink deeper into yourself and become one with our partner. How much dominance, how much confident devotion do you want to experience as a couple? We give you the opportunity to find out. We will also show you how you can experience bliss through Slow Sex, mutual appreciation and self-love, even when you are not physically active at all. We practice encountering each other with love and humility, regardless of whether we share certain preferences or points of view or not.

Learn more …

Learn together with your loved one how ecstasy and deep spirituality are connected in the 5 modules of our Annual Tantra Training for Couples

This annual couple training and our tantric weekend seminars are designed for couples and practicing couples. You can decide for yourself whether you want to do all the exercises together or open up to another exercise partner for some of them. Love & Freedom Tantra by YouMeUnity is based on traditional Kashmiri and Tibetan teachings combined with modern sexual psychology.

The complete Annual Tantra Training for Couples, THE ART OF LOVEMAKING, as well as the individual weekend seminars workshops are just as suitable for tantra newbies as they are for those who have been in the tantric field for a while.

Your exclusive annual couple training includes 5 weekend seminars with

  • guided tantric massages
  • Energy & Sound Healing
  • numerous powerful exercises from Kashmiri and Tibetan Tantra
  • optional: morning meditation / Yin Yoga

In addition, participants of the entire Annual Tantra Training for Couples receive two very special discounts:

All dates for the Annual Tantra Training for Couples and our individual Weekend Workshops for Couples can be found below. If you are unable to attend individual dates in the current year, you can make up for them in the following year’s couple’s annual training or combine them with our training for love, connection and freedom.

Location: TraumRaum Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 119, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
(depending on group size also in another seminar house in the area)

Please bring:

  • Everyone has their own water bottle
  • Lunghi/Sarong (if available)
  • 10 € per person per day for snacks and shared breakfast
  • delicious addition to the buffet to share with the group
  • optionally an item important to you to be temporarily placed on our altar
  • for overnight stays (please register!) sleeping bag, sleeping mat, towels and 20 € contribution towards expenses per person per night

Seminar prices:
full Annual Tantra Training for Couples per person (5 seminars for the price of 4):

  • 1,678 € regular (instead of € 2,100)
    (Payment in installments possiblereduced prices available for single parents, students and people on low incomes on request – no one should be excluded just because of money).
  • “All summer long” discount: book your complete Annual Tantra Training for Couples by the end of the previous summer and receive your ticket at the Super Early Bird Price of just 1,358 € per person.
  • Discount “When December ends”: If you order by 31rst of December for the training in the new year, the Early Bird Price applies: your Annual Training for 1,458 € for each of you.

Individual seminars 1 – 5 per person:

  • 420 € regular for a complete weekend seminar
  • “Pennies from Heaven” discount: If you book individual modules early, similar to the complete Annual Tantra Training, you will also receive a discount from us. Just enquire about the details in writing.

Overnight stay: Some places for couples on request in our temple room (please register in advance) or in one of the many nearby hotels.

All dates for the Annual Tantra Training for Couples "The Art of Lovemaking" for 2024

1st annual tantra course training module:
Sense and Sensuality
FR April 12, 2024 – SO April 14, 2024
More here.

2nd annual tantra course training:
The heavenly lover
FRI 14 June 2024 – SUN 16 June 2024
More here.

3rd annual tantra course training:
The divine lover
FRI 6 September 2024 – SUN 8 September 2024
More here.

4th annual tantra course training:
Faithfulness and Freedom
FRI 11 October 2024 – SUN 13 October 2024
More here.

5th annual tantra course training:
Honouring and Merging
FRI 15 November 2024 – SUN 17 November 2024
More here.

All dates for the annual couple training "The Art of Lovemaking" for 2025

1st annual tantra course training module:
Sense and Sensuality
FR February 21, 2025 – SO February 23, 2025
More here.

2nd annual tantra course training:
The heavenly lover
FR April 4, 2025 – SO April 6, 2025
More here.

3rd annual tantra course training:
The divine lover
FR June 27, 2025 – SO June 29, 2025
More here.

4th annual tantra course training:
Faithfulness and Freedom
FR September 12, 2025 – SO September 14, 2025
More here.

5th annual tantra course training:
Honouring and Merging
FR November 14, 2025 – SO November 16, 2025
More here.


Thomas Hochgesang is a tantra teacher and intimacy coach. He uses therapeutic as well as systemic approaches for his work and also involves the energetics as well as spirituality. His approach is intended to help strengthen your self-healing powers, freedom of choice as well as raise your energy level. For this, he uses profound meditation techniques as well as playful body rituals from the tantric tradition and modern psychological insights. By living in India for 5,5 years and undergoing Buddhist training, he was able to establish a mindset that enables him to emanate deep peace and tranquillity. His open heart helps him transmit this attitude to whomever he meets.

Joy S. is a musician, author and specialist in self-love. As an intuitive guide, she leads people to their innermost longings and shadow worlds. During spiritual events, Joy gives free rein to her vocation as a musical medium and plays with elfish, healing tones and frequencies, while she expresses her Kali side as the lead singer of rock bands – the whole tantric spectrum. Together with her husband Thomas, she provides a safe space for deep tantric experiences and supports participants in their self-healing process.

As YouMeUnity, we are offering to accompany you on your journey to yourself. We enjoy it so much to see people arrive at their innermost core. In doing so they are getting ready to embrace one or several relationships that can last and that are honest, deeper than ever before and 100 % heart-open. Such a secure bonding includes honest and appreciative communication, an open heart and a readiness in everyone involved to fully love themselves – and by doing so, learning to love everyone and everything on this beautiful planet, too. Self-confidence, courage, authenticity and acceptance are also part of this – as are all your supposed mistakes, shortcomings and your Buddha nature.

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch 🙂

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